Wednesday, April 1, 2009

TEA-Taxed Enough Already!!

If you get your information only from main stream media than you probably have not heard much about the tea parties that have been popping up at state capitals all across the country in rememberance of The Boston Tea Party. I know that there has been one already at the capital in Oklahoma City and I believe there are plans for more in the future. Just like early Americans took a stand against taxation without representation, it is time for us to take a stand and let our government know that we are Taxed Enough Already!! It is time for them to STOP THE SPENDING and start representing the people in this country. I think that the tea party protests that are occuring on state capital building steps all over America are a great place to start and I am hoping to be able to participate in the future. If your are interested, all you have to do is search the web for "tea party" in your state and I'm sure you'll find tons of info. I also wanted to encourage all of you to mail a tea bag to the president this week. By April 15th, the white house should be FULL of tea bags from all 50 states with notes to STOP THE SPENDING! Help send a message to President Obama that we are TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY!

TEA PARTY IN OKLAHOMA!! (invitation)
My name is Tessa Breder and I'm currently serving as Chairman of the OU College Republicans. We're having a campus tea party Monday, April 13, 2009, at the University of Oklahoma. Invitation: We would love to have ANYONE who is interested in attending--this is NOT limited to students. In other words, enraged citizens of all ages are encouraged to come out and join us. OU's Tea Party shares the same goal of gaining attention to protest the outrageous way in which our tax dollars are being spent, but also to promote the Oklahoma City Tea Party which will take place only two days later. We'll have some great speakers, too! Many students are under the impression the current spending won't directly affect their generation, little do they know it will affect them more than anyone. I ask you to help us get this message out come rally behind this country was made to be run by "WE THE PEOPLE" and not THEM IN WASHINGTON!Time: 10:00 a.m.Location: "South Oval" of The University of Oklahoma's campus (the corner of Lindsey St. and Van Fleet Oval E.)Parking: The Union parking garage is located at 900 Asp Avenue and is only a short walk north from the South Oval; There is also metered parking a little closer at the football stadium parking garage located near the corner of Asp Avenue and Lindsey Street. Parking will be tight just about everywhere but these will probably be the easiest to get into. Claim the first spot you find!

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