So I have a facebook page as well and have not figured it all out yet. I don't really get it?!? Blogging is so much more fun and a lot easier to figure out. Anyway, Brother Jayson-from my church-tagged me on facebook with 25 random things about yourself. It took me a while to learn how to even find the tag other than the email update I got and then took even longer trying to find how to answer back. Jayson(who is not as young as he thinks he is) would blame this all on my age but the truth is facebook is kinda confusing. I set up this blog and started posting within minutes so why should facebook be any harder. Well I finally answered the tag and decided to post my response here as well. I don't go on facebook often and I know a few of the people that actually read here are not on facebook. I am not tagging anyone here but feel free to answer it anyway. If you do just leave me a comment so I can check it out.
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1.I came to facebook to try to spy on people not knowing the person has to let you be their "friend". a very disappointing discovery!!
2.I love blogging! It is way cooler than facebook:) as a mater of fact, I will probably post this on my blog at
3.I am totally in favor of shameless self promotion!
4.I love 80's Steve Martin movies!-man with 2 brains-all of me-the jerk(my ALL TIME FAVORITE!) I'M PICKING OUT A THERMOS FOR YOU! NOT AN ORDINARY THERMOS WILL DO!
5.I met my husband at Taco Bell.
6.I can't carry a tune but I love to sing and will make anything into a song at home. My kids think I'm nuts-especially when I dance along to my crazy made up songs.
7.I can make any word a verb when I talk to my kids-"I will COOKIE you in just a minute!"
8.I love to watch survivor and am pretty sure I could totally win!!
9.I have crocheted 7 ponchos and a blanket.
10.I can NEVER skip ahead and read the last chapter or page of a book to see what happens. Even if I am bored with the book-I have to read EVERY WORD! (that is not my only OCD tendency)
11.I lived 15 minutes from my best friend in the world-Amy- for 10 years but did not meet her until we both went to the same college.
12.I played the clarinet from 6th grade-freshman year in college(I probably couldnt make a sound on it now!?)
13.I love to go canoeing down the Illinois River
14.I was born in Oklahoma-lived in Texas from 3rd grade until graduation-then moved back to Oklahoma but I have always considered myself a TEXAN.
15.If I could travel ANYWHERE I would pick an Australian Safari
16.In high school, I was pretty positive that I was gonna marry Kirk Cameron when I grew up.
17.I truly believe that my daughters are "SUPER MODEL" gorgeous-but they are gonna be good Christian submissive wives so their modeling career is out of the question. Too bad for the world!!
18.When I found out my first child was a boy I was in total shock because I truly had never considered the possibility of having a son-I just knew I would have girls.
19.My mom, Danny, and Monty's mom plotted to break us up when we were dating because none of them wanted either of us to be in an interracial relationship.
20.I have an entire notebook FULL of Cards and Love letters from Monty,there are even a couple of poems in there.
21.We got married on the 3rd anniversary of the day that he asked me to be his girlfriend.
22.I love elephants and have a small collection of elephant figurines.
23.I have ridden an elephant and a camel.
24.My favorite Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 7:4 and I love to quote it to Monty(especially the last 1/2) ;p
25.I could totally keep talking about myself. I am one of my biggest fans but the rules say 25 things so I will stop.
#25 is the reason I have a blog;)