Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Keslee had and AWESOME day in school today. She has been learning to read. She has a 1st grade Bible reader with simplified Bible stories for her to read. Before the holiday, she was working on the seven days of creation. Every other day she learned about the next day. She added each new creation to a drawing and read about that day in her reader. Today we finished with the 7 days. Of course she did not have to add anything to her picture because the Lord was resting on the 7th day. We read the seventh day from the Bible and then she read the entire story from her reader-25PAGES!! Keslee often has a melt down when it comes to reading time. She does really good but is afraid she won't so when she gets to a word she has to sound out, she looses it. NOT TODAY! She did so good that she made her mama cry and then there were high fives all around. Not only that, it also clicked today for her in math! She gets it! She can count be 2s, 5s and 10s! She did 2 pages in her workbook today to prove that. It was a great day!!!
Here is Keslee's creation drawing. She got a little ambitious in the beginning and started running out of room in the end. Also her moon and most stars have fallen off now but she understood how each day added more and more to the earth.

I LOVE TO COLOR! so I joined her in the creation picture. Here is my rendition of the 7 days. Days like today are what gives me the strength to homeschool on days like yesterday(which was everything a Monday has always been accused of being!!)

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